Because some days you feel like no one cares.

Some days you feel God’s not even there.

Every day is worse than the day before.

You can’t stand what you see when you walk in the door.

Each thought you think is negative.

Dreams you dream are dark instead of brave.

And Thanksgiving comes.

You want to be thankful but you can’t.

But somewhere down in that darkness

Somewhere deep inside there’s a desire

A longing….an ache of great proportion

To be included in the festivities.

Because some days you feel exactly like Madame Blueberry:

Thanksgiving is not just one day in the year.

It is not taking 30 days to say thanks and leaving out the other 335 days.

Thanksgiving is what we need to do every single day.

For everything.

Even when we just know there is nothing to be thankful for. 

Create in yourself what I call “Polyanna Syndrome”. *Polyanna always found something nice, something happy, to say about everything in every situation. Try to do the same. Finding something, even if it is only one thing, each day to be thankful for creates in us a happier person. It lifts our spirit even if it is just for that one minute.

Make it a point today to begin a life of  THANKSLIVING. Get a journal or just piece of scrap paper and write down one thing today what you are thankful for. You don’t even have to list why…maybe that comes later. And tomorrow, two things. The next day, three. And so on. Until next Thanksgiving you have 365 (or more) happy thanksgiving’s to celebrate. 


Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God;  and the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.  
Philippians 4:6 & 7


For those of you who do not know me personally, I am taking college courses to earn my B.A. in English. There are times, such as now, that I am swamped with tests and essays so please bear with me as my posts from now until mid-December may be a bit sporadic.  If you think of me, please pray for me as I work through the stress of it all.  Thank you so much for visiting my blog. Each of you are a blessing to me and I pray God will richly bless you in all things.  ~Marcie

*Pollyanna is a best-selling 1913 novel by Eleanor H. Porter that is now considered a classic of children’s literature 

© Heart Thoughts, Marcie Bridges, 2013


 Rejoice always,  pray without ceasing,  in everything give thanks; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you. 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18

As a child I listened endlessly to Evie Tornquist sing on her album, “A Little Song of Joy for My Friends”.  One of the songs on this album is titled “The Good Things That You Got.” Right now I can’t help thinking about how much we complain about even the littlest things in our lives when there are so many people in the world who have so much less. People like the people in the Philippines who’ve lost it all from this Typhoon. People who’ve lost everything to tornadoes, floods, hurricanes, fires…. or even everyone due to deaths in families. At the moment I can’t imagine what it is like. I have had instances in my life that could bring me close to understanding, but still not quite. 

Every year I post as a Facebook status the lyrics to the chorus of this song but I think this year I will post the whole song right here. I hope it helps us think more about being thankful to God for what we do have and what we are given instead of complaining about what we don’t have. Or what we don’t get. Or….. 

Why Complain?
by Evie Tornquist

Why complain about your clothes and your shoes?
Why complain about your teacher and her rules?
Why complain when so many have no home?
Why complain when you have one of your own?

Just be thankful for the good things that you got
Oh be thankful for the good things that you got
The good things that you got are for many just a dream
So be thankful for the good things that you got

Why complain about the way that you look?
Why complain about the scolding that you took?
Why complain when so many cannot run?
Why complain when you’re having so much fun?

Just be thankful for the good things that you got
Oh be thankful for the good things that you got
The good things that you got are for many just a dream
So be thankful for the good things that you got

Just be thankful for the good things that you got
Oh be thankful for the good things that you got
The good things that you got are for many just a dream
So be thankful for the good things that you got

© Heart Thoughts, Marcie Bridges, 2013


 Then He brought him outside and said, “Look now toward heaven, and count the stars if you are able to number them.” And He said to him, “So shall your descendants be.”  
Genesis 15:5 (NKJV)


I gaze into the midnight sky

each star shining eternally bright

My hands sift through silky kernels

each grain of sand blends with the shoreline

Watch as water droplets sprinkle down

each splash of rain that wets my brow

Snow that swishes to the ground

each snowflake different making no sound

There=s so many blessings to be found

Your goodness and faithfulness abounds

Your blessings, Lord, they fall on me

But truly I cannot count the ways.

~Marcell Warner Bridges

87 November 2013

                                            © photo by Bridgescreations, 2013

Driving home today leaves swirled and tumbled about in the wind and as I watched the numerous leaves cascade to the ground I thought of God’s promise to Abraham that his descendents would be as numerous as the stars. Could Abraham count the stars? No! Neither can we. And it occurred to me that as God blessed Abraham so abundantly, He does the same for us. Go ahead…count your blessings, naming them one by one, see the great things that God has done (but I bet they are so numerous you can’t name them all!) 

©Heart Thoughts, Marcie Bridges, 2013



The Chains of Unforgiveness by Jamie Britt, Guest Blog

Today I want to introduce you to my special friend Jamie Britt. I can’t wait for you to read her heart thoughts.

The Chains of Unforgiveness 

 by Jamie Britt, Guest Blogger

Therefore if the Son makes you free, you shall be free indeed. John 8:36 (NKJV)

               Checking your email can be very dangerous sometimes. One morning last December I received an email that no one ever wants to read. It was from someone at church telling me we could no longer have contact. I was absolutely devastated. You see, this lady and I shared many conversations about deep life hurts and struggles. All that went out the window that day.

                Several months prior, she had given me a CD of herself singing. I played it constantly. Now, I couldn’t listen to it and no longer enjoyed the peace that it brought. My emotions were in turmoil. For several months afterward, when she’d do a solo in church, I’d turn my head away. Friends would say, “That’s her loss,” but I didn’t want to hear it. All I wanted was the close bond we once shared back. God wanted to heal my heart but I didn’t accept the grace being extended. I wanted what I wanted, and wasn’t changing my mind. Have you ever been there?

                Over the next few months, a dear friend gave me counsel. My friend advised that I give her space and try again in a few months. However, as time progressed, I was encouraged to move on. Again, my heart wasn’t receptive.

              Do you know what was really difficult for me? I had to forgive her for what she had done. On several occasions I thought I’d forgiven her but realized later that I hadn’t. I was very bitter toward her.

             Many times she’d see me in church and not speak to me and that wound would re-open. I refused to move past the pain. Then a lady I really admire said something I’ll never forget. “She isn’t worth your tears.” By that time, my heart was starting to be receptive to others’ counsel.

             I was advised to pray for her and for her heart to change. But, that was the last thing I wanted to do. I didn’t want to pray for her. I wanted her to regret what she had done and ask for my forgiveness. But, I realized that might never happen. I’d think, “She’s moved on with her life, and probably doesn’t give me a second thought. Or if she does, she certainly doesn’t give the offense a thought.”

            I commented to a friend that all I wanted was her friendship back. She helped me see that it wouldn’t be a good thing though. She said waiting for her to do the right thing wasn’t healthy for me physically or spiritually. God wants to move me in another direction, and I have to be willing to accept that.

           And praise God, I can say that I’ve forgiven her. I’m finally free! I decided to put her CD in once more. And guess what happened? I was absolutely fine with it. I’m proud I am now able to listen to her music without any problem.

          What do I hope you gain from my story? I encourage you, if you’ve not fully forgiven someone, please do it. Until you do, you will be in bondage to that person. God wants to set you free from those chains today. He wants to take you in a new direction, and if that means losing friends for that to happen, rejoice in it. It won’t be easy, but it’s so worth it.

Father, I pray for each reader today. Lord, if there’s someone they’ve not forgiven give them strength and courage to do it. You said on the cross, “Father forgive them; for they know not what they do.” I ask Lord that you prepare their hearts to receive the forgiveness that You offer as well as to forgive that person. Lord, we love You and we praise You. Amen.  


BIO: Jamie Britt shares a message of hope and has a desire to see women find their value in Christ. Blind from birth, she challenges us to see God’s sovereignty and care in the midst of our trials. Through her blog, she encourages women to be transformed by the power of Christ, discovering they are never alone; God shows His love and faithfulness to us every day. Jamie is a graduate of the 2011 NCompass Writers Retreat and the 2012 and 2013 Writers Advance! Boot Camp. She’s also a featured guest blogger on and Stop by Jamie’s blog at

© Heart Thoughts, Marcie Bridges, 2013