LORD, LEAD ME (An Easter Poem)

Matthew 26:36 – 28:10; Mark 14:32 – 16:11; Luke 22:39 – 24:12; John 18 – 20

lead me to the place
where blood dripped from Your face
where You prayed
“Not my will, but Yours”.
lead me to the post
where your body was scourged
where flesh was torn
our griefs You bore.

lead me to the road
where You stumbled with Your load
where splinters probed
under fearsome burden You groaned.
lead me up the hill
where on the cross You were nailed
where blood and water spilled
there my sin was killed.
lead me to the cave
where You shrouded in linen lay
where behind the stone became
victory over death and the grave!
lead me to the place
where tears drip from my face
where Your gift of mercy and grace
pour over me in waves.
lead me to my knees
where my heart bleeds in belief
where your journey to death is stark reality
Your risen form unveils before me
And I weep basked in Your glory!

~Marcell Warner Bridges
©19 April 2014

My mom’s favorite Easter Song and mine too…


Dear Friends, thank you so much for your prayers for me since my last blog post. I can feel them and I can’t begin to  express my gratitude to you. Your prayers have brought me through some of the heaviest work loads I’ve had since I started back to college several years ago. I covet your prayers in the next few weeks as I encounter finals. Thank you and Blessings to all of you this Easter!  ~Marcie 

© Heart Thoughts, Marcie Bridges, 2014


It is almost 1:00 in the morning and I have just finished only a portion of  my homework. As many of you know, I am a wife, mother and also a student in college. In my junior year, I can see a small light at the end of the tunnel and it is NOT a train!
Not to toot my own horn here, but did you notice what I said? A Junior! So even though I see that light, I have an abundance of work to do. My advisor told me the other day that she and a fellow professor read in a book about majors recently that the average English Major will read 400 pages a week. My best friend said of the books I’m reading, “They are certainly a cure for insomnia!” Thanks BFF! I sooooo agree! 
You may or may not have noticed that I have not been publishing blog posts very often of late. I’m sorry that I have neglected this part of my life. It is an important way for me to speak God’s messages and share things from His heart through mine to yours.  I want to tell you, even promise you, that I will get back into it and publish more over the next few weeks but I am afraid to make such a statement and I refuse to make promises I am not sure I can keep.
Right now I feel very overwhelmed. Extremely stressed. Despite taking breaks now and then to do other things or to play a game on Facebook, my mind just doesn’t let up and my body sags underneath the weight. 
So here comes the reason for my confession:
I need prayer. Prayer for strength. Prayer for coherent, clear thoughts, ideas, and words as I write the next 4 research papers. Prayer for my family as they support me through these next few weeks. (Finals are the week of May 11th. Last day of the semester is the 13th.)  Prayer that I will let God have control of my actions, thoughts, and my time. That I will not be easily distracted (as I often am). Prayer that I will keep my eyes and heart on the Lord.
Thank you for taking the time to read my blog and the many wonderful comments you share with me. I love all of my readers! I have so much to share with you. Just know if you don’t get a new blog here in the next few weeks, that I am treading water and doing the best I can with what I have to work with. I will return to you soon. 
With Love,
“You are my hiding place. You shall preserve me from trouble. You shall surround me with songs of deliverance.” Psalm 32:7 (My life verse)
Twila Paris, The Warrior is a Child:
